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The message and the power of photography

Hospital, patient being ventilated
Author , Stories

On the other side

An hospital is more that we usually are able to see or understand. The suffering, pain and effort to save lives are often invisible and part of what is "on the other side”.

Mokattam Zabbaleen, Unfinished neighborhood with hundreds of brick houses
Stories , Street

Garbage City

Mokattam is a hill range located in the Cairo city suburbs. Manshiyat Nasser, also known as Garbage City, is the largest settlement is Mokattam with about 30.000 residents.

Khumb Mela, Naga Sadhu intertwing his long hair
Festival , Stories , Street

Khumb Mela

Kumbh Mela is the most important faith festival for Hinduism and biggest gathering of people in the world.